The stamping machine model ISM100HT has been built to obtain high quality logo marking on all types of leather and fabrics.
Main technical characteristics:
• Automatic movement of the heated stamp holder with No.6 slots.
- Selection of double stamping function for each working cycle, this permit:
- 1 stamp without colored foil + 1 stamp with colored foil (this function is suggested if utilize a particular leather with special treatment on the surface).
- If utilized 2 special brass stamps (combinated) if possible to obtain a stamp with 2 colors or stamp with 1 color + hot countouring.
- Automatic application of pre-stamped transfert logo wrapped in a ribbon.
- Automatic traslation of ribbons holder.
• Fixed and big working area.
• 1.5 tons of cylinder power, suitable for high quality stamping on hides of various thicknesses and leather.
• Electronically programmable selection for the penetration of the stamp on the hide/leather or fabrics to obtain all the processed pieces identical to each other.
• Light projector for manual work and sampling.
• We recommend using reference templates for repetitive work cycles.
Piece counter with predefined selection.